Cecilia Juardo Chueca

C.J. Chueca was born in Lima in 1977 and moved to New York in 2003. Before this period she lived in different houses in Lima and in her first years she lived in Mexico City and Oaxaca. Her father migrated to Lima –the capital of Peru- from a small town called Muquiyauyo where he was born. Chueca’s history as a perpetual immigrant has lead her to explore the concepts of home, territory, transition, multiculturality, uprooting and solitude. Focusing on talking about those lives that are still on the road (or without route) in the streets of the world.
Eleanor Heartney writes in her essay: ““Something there is that doesn’t love a wall”: C.J. Chueca creates walls that neither contain nor separate. Instead, they provide insight into the complex ways that walls operate in our lives."